Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hamlet Essay Body Paragraph 2

Unfortunately, lighting can become a distraction to the message of the show by being too obvious, as well as, adding to the meaning and the purpose of the show. Lighting in many Shakespeare shows should be used with a touch of simplistic complexity, where the product the audience sees does not attract attention, but to achieve this look a vast array of equipment and techniques. _____’s modern rendition displays a level of this technique, keeping grays in the background, with a lack of color, providing few visual distractions for viewers to be distracted by. However, by not directly highlighting the actors in light, keeping them in dark shadows provides a major distraction. A viewer wants to see the actors face, not an outline, we are drawn away from the true message of the show only noticing the lack of light, not the deceptive nature of the lines. By doing so he violates the number one rule of lighting, keep the actors lit at all times when they are speaking. In-fact the gray of the background appears brighter and more vibrant than the actors bringing the attention in the scene towards the buildings. This effect also adds a simulated depth to the space causing the space to seem larger and the individuals smaller, one could compare this to the power of the state over the individual and how Claudius’ responsibility to the state is greater and sometimes opposing his own self-interest. However, the argument can be made that the brighter background causes the actors to ‘pop’ out of the background drawing attention to the difference in intensity and thus the actors. In Gibson’s version level tones provides a great monotone pallet, but 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hamlet Essay Body Paragraph 1

The intensity of light can set the time of day, the feelings of individuals and set areas of focus for audience members. The use of light to highlight objects that play a symbolic significance provides a tool to allude to different themes and foreshadow different parts of the show. In Mel Gibson's rendition of the show, a statue of a knight or solder, that Gertrude is holding on to, is in darkness; while, a maidenly statue further away is lit by a glorious white light shining through the windows. He uses the maiden statue to represent Gertrude's apparent innocence and lack of guilt in the situation. By holding onto the statue of the solder, she is reliant on the dark militancy, hence the dark statue, of Claudius. Gibson tends to use a bleak color pallet, remaining reserved to whites and ambers, creating a warm feeling within the room. However, by adjusting the intensity of the light he is able to create areas of dark intension and mystery and aspects of light and innocence. In _____'s modern interperatation of Hamlet the city environment is one of deep gloom and dispair, by restricting his use of colors to grays and dull whites, diffusions or silks. He maintains a atmosphere that hovers the attention around the actors. The audience members will view dull and dampended pallet as signifying the beginning of a rain storm or a gloomy day, which most people take to be gloomy and gives them a depressed or tired feeling draining the energy from the viewer. By encuring a depressed feeling within the audience members, _____ is able to extenuate the sadness of Hamlet to the people viewing the show.

Hamlet introduction - The depth of a blue and the vengeance of a red

Explain the relation between the areas lit and the colors they are lit in, as well as, the color of costumes and set, and the motive and feelings of the characters they surround.

The depth of a blue and the vengeance of a red

In film the emotions colors evoke within a viewer provides a strong tool to allude to future events and extenuate the emotions and feelings actors present. Directors of Hamlet tend to utilize...

Hamlet Essay Prompt

Explain the relation between the areas lit and the colors they are lit in, as well as, the color of costumes and set, and the motive and feelings of the characters they surround.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Character Analysis: Hamlet - Act III

Throughout the act Hamlet's moral compass frequently checks his own actions, as he questions whether his actions are just and appropriate fulfilling only the task bestowed upon him. Or if his actions are greater than necessary and will create a moral burden and cause him to commit a sin, instead of the intended revenge. His increasing intensity of emotion and action cause such an unintended sin as Hamlet kills Polonius when he is discovered spying, mistaking him as his uncle.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Ethan Hawks

The modernization of the play does a disservice to the play as the additional noise and other modern elements of the movie create distractions to the audience. The height of the building behind the actors create a feeling the makes the actors appear smaller than they really are. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Favorite film post

The use of colors in all of the scenes either result in a dark color palett or a lighter color palett. The colors are either blacks, browns, and Greys. Or they are whites, tans, and blues. In all of the clips there was at least one element either costume or set that was a shade of deep blue. The darker the space the smaller the space seemed to feel and so the director filled the spaces that used darker color schemes with less people, where the lighter color schemes had sets that were filled with more people.

BBC 2010

The set and costumes are much darker  almost all scenery is black. With white lighting . Mom is the only one in blue and the mom appears much closer to the son. When the father walks there is the sound of his shoes clomping.

Kenneth Branagh

The setting is much more open and bright using much more white and golds instead of darker colors. The music is much more lullaby like and is much more somber and quite. The actors compliment the music by being much more emotional.  Hamlet is in black Gertrude is in white the king is in Red. The kind is looking up and speaking from a lower position and gets much closer to try to convince. They speak much louder to show public address and quiter to show private addresses. 

Mel Gipson

The space is less grand and the garb is less grand. Much more intermite and the father touches son more. The nights in armor are are specifically lit; the lighting is more monicromatic. The mother changes in a white spot. When the solider statue is dark when the uncle is In the room and Gertrude holds on to that statue. While the female statue is I'm the light from outside. 

BBC 1980

The colors of the space as well as Hamlet are blue thus expressing a somber more depressed mood. The king and queen are seated together. The fact that the space is small automatically creates tension and seating the court around the three creates the scene as a spectical. The king and queen are closer to each other. The son tends to be more sarcastic than in the other film. The lines of the floor tile are arranged in a line pointing from Hamlet to Gertrude and Claudius. This highlights the conflict between Hamlet and Gertrude and Claudius setting them as opposing and connected parties. The king and queen are the only individuals with red and gold on their cloths. This could present a suggestion of wealth and blood.

Laurence Olivier

Laurence Olivier was influenced by one of Frued's deciples and acted unded the influence of the edidpus cycle. The actors tend to look away and are angled away from the crowd and although the crowd looks at them they do not notice. The fathers distance from Hamlet specially creates a gap of status and position and produces a hire image of the father . The King speaks to the crowd not to Hamlet directly. The shot zooms in for his comversation with Hamlet and creates smaller space for Hamlet.


At the beginning of the chapter polonius is encouraging the tainting of Hamlet's reputation. He does not want to hurt hamlet simply embarrass him

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Socratic Circle

The ability for the class to quickly change the direction of the coversation and move to topic towards areas of our interested allowed for more interested and active analysis. For the class to go into areas; such as, how women and men view eachother is a topic that was extremely interesting but probably would not be reached.