Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In their eyes were watching god each of Janie's husbands each posses or lacks an element of the love Janie persues. She desperately desires to recapture the ecstacial feeling she experienced under the pear tree, a highly idealized version of love that contained only the purest and deepest of feelings.

Yet with her first husband Logan Killicks she finds an ugly putrid man that treats her as a extra beast of labor to help him with his daily chores. Not only does Logan lack the physical beauty of Janie's vision, but he also lacks the emmotional aspect. The admiration and adoration of her that Janie expects in true love. The only thing that Logan Killicks appears to posses is a substantial amount of property
Then Jody Starks appears with an elegant and majestic figure with an apparent addoration of Janie. Jody has a sizable fortune and huge plans for Eatonville. Besides the suppression of emotions that Jody emplores, he has all of the major elements taht Janie is looking for. Initially, they are very happy together and enjoy their life, yet as Jody ages and looses his fisical beauty, that seems to change. Not only is Jody's confidence shot, he stature and elegents fed his ego and his power, but he also losses Janie as his adoration also disapears and turns into abuse. Jody thus looses all of the elements that Janie looks for.
Finally, Tea Cake posses all of these elements. Not only does he adore Janie, but he cares for her emmotions and feelings. He treats her as his equal and lives to make Janie happy.

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